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Free Oxwall Hostings and Free SSL Certificate | Forum

Alokik Yadav
Alokik Yadav Sep 2 '13

Q.1-Hey! guys, I want to know about Free Website Hosting Which is Perfect in Oxwall Hosting.


Q.2-Can We Use SSL certificate on Oxwall Powered Websites?


[Suggestion]StartSSL is a Free SSL provider.


So If you know any Free Oxwall Website Hosting and Free Certificate Provider then Reply.


The Forum post is edited by Alokik Yadav Sep 2 '13
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
Free oxwall hosting, try serversfree.com
Josh Sep 2 '13
I like hostforweb, and I suggest you check this link out on Oxwall: www.oxwall.org/hosting

I highly suggest picking from their pre-approved list... as all the requirements have been met. 

Alokik Yadav
Alokik Yadav Sep 2 '13

Quote from Josh
I like hostforweb, and I suggest you check this link out on Oxwall: www.oxwall.org/hosting

I highly suggest picking from their pre-approved list... as all the requirements have been met. 

I need hosting for testing.

and oxwall pre-approved Hostings are Paid Hosting.

dave Leader
dave Sep 4 '13
I think you might find that any truely free hosting will be so limited that you cant effectively test oxwall. But good luck, free has its challenges and it is not always free.
The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 4 '13
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Sep 5 '13
+1 to dave at first I thought I could get everything for free but when I started getting more users my site seemed to slow down until it eventually just stopped due to server not being good enough try using the discount codes given by oxwall for the tested hosting or even better what I am doing at the minute set up a server of your own
dave Leader
dave Sep 5 '13

Good Kieron :) +1


But remember that if you set up a server of your own you need to be sure to abide by the TOS of your ISP.  Many ISP's now days specifically state warnings and or forbid the use of home servers which is much different than a home network.   You could be termed by your ISP in violation of their TOS so read the fine print.   And trust me they have the tech environment in place to bust you so dont think they wont.

Don Sep 5 '13
hi all, I use Hypernia.com for my hosting with a dedicated ip, (not bad for monthly cost) I believe that when using ssl you need a dedicated ip, however I could be wrong, I am currently using ssl on my site...
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Sep 5 '13
yes don you do need a dedicated ip to use ssl on your site
dave Leader
dave Sep 5 '13
You need ded ip to use SSL period regardless of site.  SSL is the most common reason for needing a ded ip as ded ip's are not just handed out, you need to have a very good reason for needing one and SSL is one of them.