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Transferring from Wall.fm to Oxwall | Forum

Stephanie Sep 4 '13
So I've been trying to transfer my site, roleplaycentral.us to oxwall, roleplaycentral.org/oxwall

But the import seems to not want to work, it's been sitting all day and apparently it shouldn't be taking that long.

I believe my Cron and php.ini stuff should be correct.

I followed this guide http://docs.wall.fm/manuals:transfer_manual

Alia Team
Alia Sep 4 '13
Stephanie, welcome to Oxwall community =)

 I registered 2 users on your site to check whether Cron is working.
How often does it run? ( so that I know how much time I should wait).
Stephanie Sep 5 '13
It should be running every minute I set it to do that
Stephanie Sep 5 '13
Insert b70eaa4375206836afe21a7ecc935758 into the ow_includes/config.php file to the OW_PASSWORD_SALT constant.

Is still there even though I already added it into my code using cPanel and saved it

Alia Team
Alia Sep 5 '13
Stephanie, your Cron is not set properly.
I didn't receive the notifications, that I was supposed to receive when it runs.
That is why import is not ending on your site.

Which command did you use? (http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron)
Who do you host with?

Alia Team
Alia Sep 5 '13
Stephanie, regarding salt. Not sure that I understood the questions.
You inserted code you got from export to config.php and changes were not saved? And you still have old salt there?
Joseph Sep 5 '13
Aliia how can you not know what the salt is? its part of oxwall config.php
Alia Team
Alia Sep 5 '13
Joseph, what I meant is that I didn't understand what happened in Stephanie's situation:

1. code was inserted, and saved but some kind of notice is "still there"
2. code was inserted but for some reason was not saved.

Most likelt #1, but wanted to make sure.
Stephanie Sep 5 '13
I think it's number one, as it's still there. I was just concerned since it was showing me the error/notice to do so.

My cron is 

*   wget -q -O /dev/null http://roleplaycentral.org/oxwall/ow_cron/run.php

Set to run every minute, hour, etc.

The import has finally started, but now it hangs up on importing photos. It sat there all night and no progress was to be made.

And I host with hostforweb.com

The Forum post is edited by Stephanie Sep 5 '13
Joseph Sep 5 '13
ok I was gonna say how could you not know what the salt was lol I see what you mean now
Stephanie Sep 5 '13
I contacted my host and they set up my cron "locally" for me
Alia Team
Alia Sep 6 '13
That is good.

>>The import has finally started, but now it hangs up on importing photos. It sat there all night and no progress was to be made.

Even with Cron being set locally import is not ending?
If yes,  check with your hosting company what is max. execution time on your server.
Try increasing it.
Stephanie Sep 6 '13
My max execution time is 90.
Stephanie Sep 8 '13
I've been waiting for the import for over two days, so clearly it's not working. I don't know what else I can do.

My members are becoming tired of this waiting game, should I just give up and manually import everything?

Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Sep 9 '13
Stephanie, are you sure that 90 is in minutes? Should be at least 30 mins.

Log in your Oxwall's control panel>>PhpMyAdmin>>find table "ow_dataimporter_import".
This tables contains data being imported. Do you see anything in the "Error" column?

Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach Sep 11 '13
I'm having a similar issue. I've checked all my information but when I try to install it stays at the wait import stage.
Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach Sep 11 '13
Well I guess all 1500+ members will just lose all of their content.. What a depressing situation... Over a years worth of work and money, all down the drain.. 90$ is a rip off and I just don't have the money to pay that.. So we are screwed it seems...
Alia Team
Alia Sep 12 '13
Hello Vladimir, let's not give up easily.

1. Is your CRON running on your Oxwall's installation?
2. Have you checked  what is you max. execution time
3. Have you checked "ow_dataimporter_import" table in your database? Where does it get stuck?
Can you give a screenshot of this table?
Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach Sep 13 '13
My cron is setup properly
Screenshot below for data import table

  importdata.png (127.04Kb)
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