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Test Email? - Birthday Greetz | Forum

Eric Chen
Eric Chen Sep 9 '13
Is there a way to test the functionality of the cron job? Or would I need to set a user's birthday to sometime in the next 24 hours to test this out?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
This plugin is proven to work. You could set a user's birthday some day in future and see on that.
Eric Chen
Eric Chen Sep 10 '13
Hi Purusothaman,

I'm having issues with receiving emails. It was my birthday today and I didn't get the birthday email. I don't remember where the logs are located as described here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/11604. Where can I find logs to find out what went wrong? I'm still receiving emails for other aspects of Oxwall.


Purusothaman Ramanujam
It depends when you activated the plugin and had the birthday fall.

Does your email log table has all infor?

Have your checked your spam folder?
Eric Chen
Eric Chen Sep 11 '13
Hi Purusothaman,

I checked all of my mail folders and do not see the email. I had installed this plugin about 2 days before my birthday, so I think it should have triggered the email. I started troubleshooting the issue and ran this from the command line and then got the error message:

[root@REDACTED greetz]# php cron.phpPHP Fatal error:  Class 'OW_Cron' not found in /REDACTED/public_html/oxwall/ow_plugins/greetz/cron.php on line 25

How does cron.php interact with the Oxwall base system? Do I need to add cron.php to my crontab file? The files I took to install this plugin was to download the Greetz folder to /REDACTED/public_html/oxwall/ow_plugins folder. Went into the admin area and activated the plugin. Anything else that I needed to do?


Purusothaman Ramanujam
I believe there is some problem with the installation in your server.

You dont need to add the individual crons. If you enable the site-wide cron, it will trigger the plugin cron.

Just activating the plugin when cron is fine, is all you need to do.
Eric Chen
Eric Chen Sep 12 '13
I had high hopes for this product, but it doesn't work in my environment. I have been in contact with the developer, and he has done a great job with offering tips, but at the end of the day, this product doesn't function as advertised. I have spent a fair amount of time troubleshooting this plugin, but without documentation or an answer from the developer on how this plugin interacts with the base Oxwall system, I cannot fairly give this plugin a high rating.
Purusothaman Ramanujam

It might be something wrong in your installation. If possible, you can provide me site login and cpanel access for me to debug and let you know.
Eric Chen
Eric Chen Sep 12 '13

I do not use cPanel as I built my own Linux and web server. I will private message you my credentials.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thanks. I will need access to database, files and site admin login details.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
As the issue is solved, I am locking this post. Thanks.
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