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Controlling the number of vids per row in video plugin | Forum

dave Leader
dave Sep 12 '13

in the the base video plugin there is no plugin setting in admin for how many per row, dont ask me why, there should be but there is not.  So i went looking for it because 5 were showing and the 5th one wraps and it looks horrible.


Below is what i found so far, if i missed a file sorry but i will update this if i have, i will also update this if any changes to my method occure.


So here is how to change that...


** remember that any edits you do will be removed upon any oxwall software version updates so you will need to keep track and put them back.


in ow_plugins/video/views/controllers


 I also put comments in my files so i can refer to backups and know what i have changed.


You need to edit three files.


1. video_view_list.html


   change count=5 to count=4 as i have done below


   {component class='VIDEO_CMP_VideoList' type=$listType count=4}


   <!-- changed count to 4 to make 4 per row not 5 because 5 wraps -->


2. video_view_list-tagged.html  on line 22


   change count=5 to count=4 as i have done below


    {component class='VIDEO_CMP_VideoList' type=$listType count=4 tag=$tag}
    <!-- changed count to 4 to make 4 per row not 5 because 5 wraps -->


3. video_view_user_video_list.html


    change count=5 to count=4 as i have done below.


    {component class='VIDEO_CMP_VideoList' type='' count=4 tag='' userId=$userId}


<!-- changed count to 4 to make 4 per row not 5 because 5 wraps -->


Done!  that should do it just clear your cache and try it.

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 12 '13
fbkca Sep 14 '13
would these instructions work in the photo plugin too if the same options were changed?
dave Leader
dave Sep 14 '13
logically speaking it makes sense but in the admin plugin photo settings there is a setting for photos per page, mine is set to 20 which is 5 per line.  If you change yours to 12 it should be 4 per line i bet, so you dont need to change the code just change the setting.
fbkca Sep 14 '13
OK right. Thanks.
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Mar 9 '14

Quote from dave video_view_list.html

Seems also you will need to change video_view_list.html.php at: public_html/ow_smarty/template_c
Daisy Team
Daisy Mar 20 '14
Krunch, you shouldn't make changes in the cache files. You should simply clear the cache by activating the DEV_MODE and refreshing the page.
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 1 '14

Quote from Daisy Krunch, you shouldn't make changes in the cache files. You should simply clear the cache by activating the DEV_MODE and refreshing the page.

Habit as opposed to clearing cache at DEV_MODE..