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Error 500 when trying to delete Profile Question | Forum

Johan Sep 16 '13

Anything I can edit to fix this? :)

fbkca Sep 16 '13
I get the same error trying to add a new question :)
Alia Team
Alia Sep 17 '13
I was not able to reproduce this issue locally.
Are you on original Oxwall software? Seems like the issue is related to custom modifications within our code.  Can you provide a link to your site?
fbkca Sep 17 '13
It is the skadate lite version... no solution with them.
Johan Sep 17 '13
Yeah we're using SkaDate Lite aswell.

I don't think they are doing any changes to core files, just their plugin, it removes alot of functionality from Oxwall.

@Aliia: May I PM you the URL? We are still in development stage, so I would rather not have a live link to it :)

The Forum post is edited by Johan Sep 17 '13
fbkca Sep 17 '13
I got them to send me their latest stable version (their client area one they say is "corrupted") and it fixed the profile question issue for me... I can add and delete questions... now to only get all my payment issues fixed so I can actually accept payments... 
The Forum post is edited by fbkca Sep 17 '13
Johan Sep 17 '13
SkaDate Lite seems a bit seedy.
fbkca Sep 17 '13
Have you tested the payment gateways yet?
Alia Team
Alia Sep 19 '13
Johan, from what Fbkca wrote, seems like SkaDateLite support has already fixed the issue. Just contact them and get a fix.