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bot submissions | Forum

dave Leader
dave Sep 20 '13

thought i might share this, this is what at least one bot was trying to submit to join my site lol.. how lame...


[Fri Sep 20 06:29:02 2013] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration:


Abbey Sep 23 '13
Nice to see they didnt get in
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Sep 25 '13
I keep getting fake users where all there info is just random letters like agdtwejnduheryh
dave Leader
dave Sep 25 '13

ban their ip at xxx.xxx. level from cpanel. Must of the time its the same ip lower levels they are using.  So you may get one from xxx.xxx.011.011 and xxx.xxx.011.065   Remember that alot of bots originate from countrys that it is hard to get another upper level ip.  So if you ban them in that way xxx.xxx.  then they are screwed no matter what they try at the two lower levels they cant get it.  I watch my error log every day and many times several times a day, and i know this to be fact because i see the denies in my log.

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 25 '13