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roll back to 1.4?? [Solved] | Forum

Srirangaraj N C
Srirangaraj N C Sep 26 '13
Hi guys,

I recently updated oxwall and everything seems to be fine.

But there were some issues for which I could not find the solutions/answers.

Could anyone let me know how to rollback the update back...???

I have attached couple of pics of the issues i'm facing in the new update.

Please do help me out over here.

Thanks a lot in advance :)



The Forum post is edited by Alia Oct 3 '13
  admin panel issue.jpg (80.97Kb)
  javascript.jpg (143.14Kb)
  minimize.jpg (168.38Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Sep 26 '13
Srirangaraj N C,

1. Which theme are you using?
2. What your currently active plugins?
3. How did you do the upgrade? Manually or using "update" button from admin panel?

matt Sep 26 '13
I am experiencing a similar problem Ranga, If I figure it out, I will post here.

Srirangaraj N C
Srirangaraj N C Sep 26 '13
Thank you Matt... Will be waiting for your reply


Hi Aliia,

I'm using "Macabre" theme with the following plugins:
NewsfeedMailboxBlogsGroupsLinksPhotoVideoForumEventsInstant ChatPrivacyContact UsGoogle Analytics

And have the following plugins but have not activated them:
FriendsAddThisFacebook Connect

Also, the "Like" feature on the newsfeed is vanished...!!!???

The old sign-in box on top of the page was better than the current one...
Over all 1.4.1 was better, is there a way to roll back to that??


The Forum post is edited by Srirangaraj N C Sep 26 '13
Srirangaraj N C
Srirangaraj N C Sep 27 '13
Hi Aliia & Matt,

The errors were fixed...!!!!

Thank you Aliia, you were right, I changed the theme and all the errors were "poof" vanished...!!!

But, do I have to keep on changing themes everytime there is an update on oxwall...??


Many thanks to you guys...



Alia Team
Alia Sep 30 '13
Srirangaraj N C,

Glad to hear  you have found the cause of your issues.

Regarding theme.
We have updated the theme Arpil 9th.
Most likely your theme was not up to date.
Just delete "Macabre" theme via FTP or control panel. Download fresh one from store and add it via admin panel.

>>But, do I have to keep on changing themes everytime there is an update on oxwall...??

Not really.
In 1.5 we did a lot of changes ( like top right colose) which effected the way all themes work. That is why you have to make sure that your theme is compatible with this version of Oxwall. But minor updates like 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3 don't contain any huge changes and you don't need to update your theme if you update to those versions from 1.5.0.

Basically you need to update your theme only for major updates of Oxwall's core.

Srirangaraj N C
Srirangaraj N C Oct 1 '13

Oxwall is the best cms ever...!!!

Thanks a tonne guys...

Thank you Aliia...

Keep up the good work... :)

**thumbs up with two hands**



Alia Team
Alia Oct 3 '13

Quote from Srirangaraj N C Oxwall is the best cms ever...!!!

Srirangaraj N C
Srirangaraj N C Oct 4 '13
** New Topic created for WYSIWYG issue**




The Forum post is edited by Srirangaraj N C Oct 4 '13
Alia Team
Alia Oct 4 '13
Srirangaraj N C, can you create a separate topic regarding this issue ( with screen shot)? Thank you.