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Page visible for everyone | Forum

Kruno Novosel
Kruno Novosel Oct 1 '13
I created one  OW_MasterPage::TEMPLATE_BLANK page, but I can't figure out how to set up to be visibile for everyone (guest, users...) .
Can somebody help me?
Daisy Team
Daisy Oct 3 '13
Could you explain in more details what exactly you want to do. It will help me to find the proper solution.
Kruno Novosel
Kruno Novosel Oct 14 '13
Hi Diasy,
Thanks for your  help.

I have my own plugin that has various functions for admin and for registered users. Also, I would like to have a view for all (unregistered users).
My plugin doesn't have all standard permission functions via PRIVACY & PERMISSIONS page.
I just need simple solution for this one and only page to be visible to all and without any layout (TEMPLATE_BLANK ).
Daisy Team
Daisy Oct 23 '13
Kruno, I suggest that you download our new Plugin Skeleton plugin and check the Plugin installation/activation example to see it works.
Here is URL to the Store item: http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/695

Kruno Novosel
Kruno Novosel Oct 26 '13
Dear Daisy,
My whole plugin is complex and is in production already, and there are important data from my users. I'm afraid  that if I change install.php and deactivate plugin I will lose all information. Is that correct?

Is there any other option  to show just one page from this complex plugin to anyone and not touch install.php?

Thanks a lot,
Daisy Team
Daisy Nov 1 '13
Kruno, if you did not add the functions which remove the plugin content into the deactivate.php file - simply add the necessary code to the activate.php file and reactivate the plugin.