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Missing comment graphic and thumbs up graphic [Solved] | Forum

Rodrigo Martinez
Rodrigo Martinez Oct 2 '13

I've just noticed that my site doesn't have both of the above (see pic):

I've reset my theme (liquid). I've deleted the theme and reinstalled it from scratch (fresh download from My Purchases) and still the 2 graphics don't show.

With different themes they do show.

Please help!

The Forum post is edited by Alia Oct 9 '13
Alia Team
Alia Oct 2 '13
Can you approve my account on your site? Have just registered.
Rodrigo Martinez
Rodrigo Martinez Oct 2 '13
Done and thank you for your prompt action! Keep up the good work!
Alia Team
Alia Oct 3 '13
Rodrigo Martinez,  possible reasons:

#1. Image actually doesn't exist on your server OR folder where image is located has incorrect permissions.

Here is what you have right now:

   a) contact theme's designer or look in your control panel yourself whether you do have an image called  "miniic_set.png". It should be located here: ow_static/themes/THEME_NAMEHERE/images
  b) make sure that "ow_static" folder and all folders within it have 777 permissions. Images within "Image" folder should have 644 permissions.

#2. Theme you are using has a bug ( not likely, but possible) where theme is set to look for the miniic_set.png in a wrong folder ( in ow_userfiles/themes/).

#3. Bug within Oxwall's core ( low possibility, but still).
To check, switch to one of our themes ( ex. Origin). If buttons appear, then the issue is not with us and you will need to check #1 and #2.

Rodrigo Martinez
Rodrigo Martinez Oct 3 '13
Dear Aliia,

Thanks again for looking in to my issues.

I've checked the files and in fact folders where 0755. I've changed all to 0777. The file "miniic_set.png" was there and already had the proper permissions, but still not working.

Not sure if the issue is with the theme, as the demo for it works properly as do the other standard themes that come with Oxwall. As I mentioned before, I did delete the theme and reinstall before, but that didn't work.

Rodrigo Martinez
Rodrigo Martinez Oct 3 '13
Similar problem here as well:

Alia Team
Alia Oct 3 '13
Rodrigo Martinez,

I think that I have an idea.

Might sound a little bit confusing, but I will try to explain.

Check this screen:

As you can see there are 2 styles being used here.
#1. active one
#2. overwritten ( not active one).

#1 styles point to ow_userfiles/themes/.....
And image is not showing up.

#2 ( the one crossed over) inactive one leads to the right place. To ow_static/themes/....
I have disabled #1 styles ( see screen shot), which activated #2 styles and buttons appeared.
They didn't appear before, but when you changed permissions to 777 they did.

Same thing with buttons for likes in newsfeed.

I don't know why your .css is crossing over the correct path to the image.
But now try one of the following:

1. set 777 permissions to ow_userfiles folder and all folders within it ( just like you did for ow_static)

2. check your .css file (  this one is for button for adding "Discussion")
Path : http://www.thesoilnetwork.com/...4bbd8a32874.css ;
Line: 2147 (plus/minus 10 lines before and after).
What do you have there?

Rodrigo Martinez
Rodrigo Martinez Oct 5 '13
I've checked and ow_userfiles and all folders within are already 777.

I've attached a pic of the CSS file.

You mentioned that you did something and the graphics showed up properly. But I logged in and couldn't observe the same result. Is there a way to do a MASTER RESET on the whole theme and start fresh and get this fixed?

Thanks again Aliia!

Alia Team
Alia Oct 7 '13
Rodrigo, will you be able to provide FTP or control panel access details? ( in PM)
Alia Team
Alia Oct 7 '13
>>You mentioned that you did something and the graphics showed up properly. But I logged in and couldn't observe the same result. Is there a way to do a MASTER RESET on the whole theme and start fresh and get this fixed?

I did this in Firebug.
Well, you have tried reinstalling the theme already, which basically  is "master reset", and this didn't help.
Rodrigo Martinez
Rodrigo Martinez Oct 9 '13
Thank you Aliia!! You've solved the mystery. Well done!!