@Oxwall Software
This is my salt value from config.php define('OW_PASSWORD_SALT', 'xEHNxiEXdz7GK');
When i enter the password as 31121993Aa from signing up it generates 82416b9973e6fc2279f8e2c54eae6c0d555eae5ad1760985ce1a65b1139c0320
But when I create a custom sign up page which inserts data into this table and I use the same password i.e 31121993Aa and I get db57e80826fd86d6b00aebf21b34d1c382e123d17a02a1d008ced708af81441e when i use this code in my php
$username=$_POST['username'];$password=$_POST['password'];$salt = 'xEHNxiEXdz7GK';$pass = "password";$hashit = hash('sha256',$salt.$pass);$password1=$_POST['password1'];mysql_query("INSERT INTO oxwa_base_user(username,password,password1,email)VALUES('$username','$hashit','$password1','$mail')");
Please help me....