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Subscriptions problem | Forum

Federico Oct 3 '13

I have a social system with subscription by invitation, so in the 1° page i have a form for require this subscription invitation and i have splitted in pages the subscription form.

When the user send me the request, i manually invite him to the sistem by the admin panel, he open the mail and click on the personal link, but when he compile the first page of subscription form and click on continue button, he is rejected on the first page: the page of the requesting.

I have tried a solution, but is strange for the final user, when the system do that i resend a html request by clicking the backward button of my browser and the registration continue normally.
How can i fix this?

Anybody can help? 

Federico Oct 3 '13
I think that the problem is inside the .htaccess file, but if i change the redirect to main page, oxwall stop working.
ross Team
ross Oct 4 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Daisy Team
Daisy Oct 11 '13
Dear Federico,

Please provide me with more details.

Do you use the standard Join form for your "subscription form"? Do you use the standard invitation link? What are the features you were using to make your custom "subscription form" work?