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Fuse Private Messages with Ajax IM | Forum

JB TECH Oct 18 '13
I was wondering if it'd be possible to pull a 'Facebook' and make Private Messages and Ajax IM log data as one system. Basically, if you send a Private Message to someone, they'll get the notification and they can view it in a Ajax IM Chat tab with that person, and it keeps adding together like that. 

My reasoning to ask this is because having both Private Messages and Ajax IM separate can be a bit stressful for some users. People who took a survey on what they think my Oxwall-powered site needs said that Improved Messaging is one of the things.

Would this be possible? To have conversations log as one whole system that can be viewed as a Private Message and/or a Ajax IM message?


dave Leader
dave Oct 18 '13
What about just getting rid of the PM all together and just use the Ajax IM.
JB TECH Oct 18 '13
I think the problem with that lies with how the Ajax IM stands right now. Very unnoticeable when you receive a new message from someone (if you have no chat tabs open). And when people add messages back to you via the IM after you've closed your chat with them and left the site, you wouldn't know about it until they're online again and you open the chat with them. That's why it'd be a good idea to fuse the messaging system.

Also, Private Messages are good for sending offline messages, so if the two messaging systems are fused Private Messages would need to be kept in order to hold functionality for sending messages to your offline friend.

While I'm at it, I also want to say it'd be a nice idea to have the friends you talk to the most always be listed on the Chat List, online or offline so it could further promote the functionality of one chat system.

dave Leader
dave Oct 18 '13

yes i agree, all good ideas.   I dont like that you cant get IM messages until both are online again,should be a better way...   as far as the IM being noticable, you can make it the whole (one on one) box blink when you have a message


Maybe someone can come up with a IM pro version which will encompass all of this.

JB TECH Oct 18 '13
I recall seeing your tutorial of making it blink a different color when a new message is received, and it works great. But, I'm talking about when you have no chat tabs open and then someone sends a message to you. It just changes the color of the 'Online count' to orange, plays a quiet sound and makes the title say **New message**. It'd be better if it opened the tab for the sender when a new message was sent via IM.

It would be nice to have a more professional IM. I've already posted about it on the uservoice suggestions page for Oxwall, but all the top ideas are for plugins that have already been made >.<