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how do one track clicked links? | Forum

Zachary Oct 24 '13
I would like to know how to track how many times a, say for instance all blogs. How to track all blog posts views and display a number as well. I can do it with one link not on oxwall though. Idk where to start using oxwall. Anybody help pelase?
dave Leader
dave Oct 24 '13

Check this site, its been a while since i used them but i had a great experience with them when i did need their services. 




They provide heat maps too that show exactly where people click on each of your pages and all kinds of great stuff.   Maybe someone should develope a plugin using these guys...  


But to answer your question, without moding the code, a plugin, or using a third party service you cant do what you want to do, at least not yet out of the box.


The inexpesive way i suppose is you could just put a counter at the bottom of the pages you want to track and use that counter.  There is also a google analytics plugin in the store but it does not go as deep as you want it to go i dont believe.


Hope this helps you and welcome to Oxwall.

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Oct 25 '13
i use traceymyip.org and i find it very useful 
Zachary Oct 25 '13
I checked out both but it does not solve my problem. With crazy egg i dont know how it would track pageviews for each post differently but neither does tracemyip.org . Though both is helpful in different ways. Hope someone develops a plugin on this, though I'll try and see how far i get with the crash course and the skeleton, maybe i develop te plugin but thanks for the help.
dave Leader
dave Oct 25 '13

Hi Zackary,


Sorry about that, i guess i missunderstood your question.  Now i understand, you just want to know how many times someone has viewed a blog post, like forums do.


Although it would be a simple code mod to make, it would be best for a plugin because you would need to add a table field to the blogs table to store the page view totals. 


Good luck in taking the crash course and always ask if you need help with something



dave Leader
dave Oct 25 '13

one more thing, this is kind of along a similar idea




Puru the dev is a nice guy, you might consider asking if he could add total views in his next version of the blog plugin.  I dont know if he will or if it is beyond the scope of the plugin or not, but it never hurts to ask him.  :)


Also refer him to this post.. :)

Zachary Oct 25 '13
HI dave

Thanks for the help I will send puru a PM to hear what he says, but still gonna complete crash course as it can help me in the future (Y)

dave Leader
dave Oct 25 '13
Most certainly... Yes...