Can someone help me with paging?
I have an sql result returned with about 80 records, I want to display just 10 per page but I'm not sure how paging is implemented in OXWALL.
Can someone help me with paging?
I have an sql result returned with about 80 records, I want to display just 10 per page but I'm not sure how paging is implemented in OXWALL.
I have this html code:
{foreach $pdata as $data}<tr class="{cycle values='ow_alt1,ow_alt2'}"><td><a href="{$links.{$data.master}}"><img src="{$avatars.{$data.master}}" class="ow_avatar" /></a></td><td>{if empty({$})} - {else}{$}{/if}</td><td>{if empty({$data.os})} - {else}{$data.os}{/if}</td><td>{if empty({$data.vos})} - {else}{$data.vos}{/if}</td><td>{if empty({$data.ww})} - {else}{$data.ww}{/if}</td><td>{if empty({$})} - {else}{$}{/if}</td><td>{if empty({$})} - {else}{$}{/if}</td><td><span class="ow_txt_value">{$}</span></td></tr>{/foreach}
Should I add anything there to tell it to limit the records to the paging amount?
Humm, I've done this, and I can see the correct number of paging buttons on the page, but smarty is still showing all records on one page, not splitting them.
// CUT
Should I add anything there to tell it to limit the records to the paging amount?
As Daisy said above, you will have something like:
$mySql = "SELECT * FROM table LIMIT $first, $rpp";
Hope we helped