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Cannot install my plugin | Forum

Duane C.
Duane C. Nov 2 '13
I'm trying to follow the instructions for Plugin Development Crash Course found on this link : http://docs.oxwall.org/dev:crash-course but I cannot install my plugin as per this instruction from that page :

Plugin installation

Yes, it's time to install your plugin before you actually started real development. Go to Admin area → Plugins → Available Plugins. Click Install on your new plugin.

When I go to my admin area -> plugins -> Available plugins, my plugin does not show at all, nor is there an Install button. I made sure to follow the instructions closely. And I renamed the plugin to contactus2 due to already having a contactus plugin already installed by default.

Platform version 1.5.3 (build 6341)

Installed via Softaculous

The Forum post is edited by Duane C. Nov 2 '13
Alia Team
Alia Nov 4 '13
Duane, where did you rename the plugin?
Just renaming the folder name and the plugin key is not enough. You will have to change ALL files to use contactus2 instead of contactus: plugin.xml, install.php, init.php, activate.php and etc.