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Content/ Widget Icons | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Will Nov 2 '13
Hi Oxwall,

I am having a problem with the content icons. I thought I found the files (plugins/...init.php) to rewrite the code to have different colored icons but it looks like its not going to work out. What I mean is I would like white icons in the widget "Add New" which I have. And on the pages with the tabs I would like the same icons to become blue and have a red icon when rolled over or clicked on. On the main wall I would like them to remain white like I have on the widget. Is this possible, or is there a easier way to accomplish this? Thanks for any help or advice that you have.

Site is located. Just Friendly Chat UK
The Forum post is edited by Will Nov 2 '13
Daisy Team
Daisy Nov 2 '13
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.
Will Nov 5 '13
Not even a hello....lmao