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Cannot login via Facebook Connect | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Edson Francis
Edson Francis Nov 3 '13
i got problem with facebook connect. anybody can help me?...when i click to facebook connect nothing appear...
i already insert facebook api id and api secret.

This is my site ---> http://www.barukdayak.com/

thx in advance
Edson Francis
Edson Francis Nov 3 '13

Quote from Eddie Hughes Hi Edson, you have an error in your API code. make sure your sandbox mode is "OFF" in facebook app. double check your id and key. Google Chrome reports

Invalid App Id: Must be a number or numeric string representing the application id. all.js:56FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init(). all.js:569FB.getLoginStatus()



Hi Eddie, thank you for your reply. i already fix it but still cannot use.
Edson Francis
Edson Francis Nov 3 '13
now can connect using chrome but not with mozilla firefox...
Edson Francis
Edson Francis Nov 3 '13
Server that i use only shared server...haha...FB blocked??....lol
The Forum post is edited by Edson Francis Nov 3 '13
Bhavika Rugnath
Bhavika Rugnath Mar 26 '15
how was the error solved?
Taissa Team
Taissa Mar 30 '15
Bhavika Rugnath, make sure you did everything correct and made your app live for everyone: http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:facebook-connect .
Make sure that your server meets our requirements  http://www.oxwall.org/hosting and the cURLS is enabled.
Make sure you have the latest version of the software and FB Connect plugin.
Do you have enabled DEBUG_MODE in ow_includes/config.php file ? Have you got any error messages?

Please provide us with more detailed information.
Rhytmic Apr 9 '15
Application setup failed. Please check your App ID and Application Secret.

How do fix this?
Rhytmic Apr 9 '15
I've tried to uninstall and even applying for new appid but nothing works
i also cleared my cache every time i input the id and secret

The Forum post is edited by Rhytmic Apr 9 '15
Taissa Team
Taissa Apr 10 '15
Rhytmic, first of all please check, whether all parameters on the Facebook App form are filled in correctly. See the screenshot. And be careful to paste App ID or App Secret keys and check whether there is no space in values.
Please, specify what version of the plugin you are using. You can find the current photo plugin version in /ow_plugins/pluginname/plugin.xml file.

And I would really appreciate if you search before posting: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/3270 .