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Video not working - Video | Forum

xavier Nov 5 '13
I'm installed and updated to the last version video plugin, but it doesn't work properly.

When I add a new video to the gallery, after save, no video showed, only comments.

And if I try to add a video in a forum, it neither work.

I tried with youtube and vimeo videos.

Please, can someone help me?


The Forum post is edited by xavier Nov 5 '13
xavier Nov 6 '13
anybody can help me?

I don't know if it is a installation problem or is the plugin that it doesn't work.

Aprillos Jan 12 '14
Alia Team
Alia Feb 27 '14
Apprillos, I didn't understand what you meant in your screenshots.
I have registered on your site and seems like you are not using our "Video" plugin anymore.
Ben Stokes
Ben Stokes Sep 20 '20

Thanks for the solution and would like to see you contribute more to the community.


Ghd Sports

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