Well, I am not officially part of the OxWall team (I am more some sort of newbie enthusiast yet), but I think I can enlighten you in regards to your question.
Simply take a look into the theme Graphite (found at /ow_themes/graphite/master_pages/). Notice the file "admin.html" in there. This is the admin index file for the Graphite Theme (and all other themes without a custom Admin file).
If you want to have custom Admin items in other themes, simply copy this file to the relative folder inside the other theme folder and make the changes in there. It is pretty simple and almost self explanatory.
You can also make changes in this file without moving it out from its original folder, so it shall reflect to all themes!
Don't forget to set the DEV MODE to TRUE in the CONFIG.PHP file (found at /ow_includes/). Simply make it as this:
define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);
Without this flag set to TRUE the OxWall will NOT render the changes in the Theme Files, and it will use the static pre-rendered files instead.
Don't forget to set it back to FALSE when you finish working on the Themes.
Let me know if you need any further assistance and don't forget to share the results with us. ;)