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Report Abuse | Forum

Kenneth Nov 6 '13
Report Abuse By OW Factory

This plug in works great except for a bug I currently encountered.

When you test it yourself (admin) it won't stop sending you the report so you are always stuck with 1 new inbox message.

Why have I not asked OW Factory?

Post On Report Abuse Issue

They openly tell clients that it is Oxwalls plugin that creates this issue.

Any suggestions?

Alia Team
Alia Nov 6 '13
Thanks for heads up Kenneth. We will contact Ow Factory, and if the issue is indeed with us we will surely fix it.
Kenneth Nov 8 '13
Quote from Aliia Thanks for heads up Kenneth. We will contact Ow Factory, and if the issue is indeed with us we will surely fix it.

Thank you very much I am going to post a picture in the OW Factory thread feel free to review it or ask me for other screens.
Alia Team
Alia Nov 11 '13
Kenneth,  we are in correspondence with Ow Factory.

The issue is indeed with mailbox plugin to some extend.

Functionality of the mailbox plugin doesn't allow user( including admin) to send PM to himself.
Therefore situation where user indeed receives a message from himself was just not considered while developing the plugin.

Since Mailbox plugin itself, Oxwall's core and Oxwall's native plugins don't create situations where  user send PM to himself, we will not be redeveloping our plugin. We beleive that changes should be done within the "Report Abuse" plugin.

What we suggested to OW Factory is removing "Report Abuse" button if currently loged in user is admin. 

Hopefully we will find a way around this with Ow Factory ( plugin itself seems to work perfectly other then this small glitch).

Kenneth Nov 12 '13
Quote from Aliia Kenneth,  we are in correspondence with Ow Factory.

The issue is indeed with mailbox plugin to some extend.

Functionality of the mailbox plugin doesn't allow user( including admin) to send PM to himself.
Therefore situation where user indeed receives a message from himself was just not considered while developing the plugin.

Since Mailbox plugin itself, Oxwall's core and Oxwall's native plugins don't create situations where  user send PM to himself, we will not be redeveloping our plugin. We beleive that changes should be done within the "Report Abuse" plugin.

What we suggested to OW Factory is removing "Report Abuse" button if currently loged in user is admin. 

Hopefully we will find a way around this with Ow Factory ( plugin itself seems to work perfectly other then this small glitch).

Thank you for talking to the developer. Let me know if you find any fixes for the 1 new mailbox issue.