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Stories plugin | Forum

Abbey Nov 8 '13
I was wondering if anyone had thought of doing a stories plugin, something similar to blogs but with catagories?
I'd be interested in something like this, as I'm sure many others would be.

The Forum post is edited by Abbey Nov 8 '13
Abbey Nov 9 '13
Is there a way to customize the blogs plugin and use it for this purpose? As well as have a blogs plugin?
Sen Projects
Sen Projects Nov 10 '13
Hi Abbey,

This is a nice idea :)

Sen Projects
Sen Projects Nov 10 '13
Quote from Abbey Is there a way to customize the blogs plugin and use it for this purpose? As well as have a blogs plugin?

It's Open Source so I think you can clone Blogs module for your own use. Not sure if this is allowed by Oxwall. We'll wait someone from oxwall to answer here.

God speed.

Abbey Nov 10 '13
I did wonder that.... unsure how to though which is a problem
Abbey Nov 13 '13
Categories would be good too.
I think this would be a good addition to the store, it's something that's not been done
Den Team
Den Nov 14 '13
Topic was moved from Custom Oxwall Projects.