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Some users do not receive emails and others if [Answered] | Forum

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Nov 14 '13

Everything seems to be correct: cron runs without errors,

BD all pending emails appear to be sent.

Always the same users who get nothing. All users have the correct emails and verified. Including me, that I have two accounts, as admin and as standard. As admin right, but there is no email to standard.

Can you help me or give hints?

The Forum post is edited by Alia Dec 4 '13
Alia Team
Alia Nov 14 '13
Patricia Zorrilla Bcn, are talking about activity emails notifications? ( when somebody sends you PM, comments your status, invites to event, sends friend request)

Log in as the user who is not receiving emails>>go to "My Preferences">>"Email Notifications" tab.
Make sure that "Immediately" is checked in the first section.
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Nov 15 '13

Yes, emails activity notices (When someone sends PM, said his state, invited to the event, send friend request).

Change the "My Preferences" >> "Email notifications" "immediately" or automatically varies not the problem, I had checked. 

Alia Team
Alia Nov 18 '13
Patricia, I have registered 2 users on your site needed for testing.  Can you approve them?
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Nov 18 '13
Sure! Shipping PM
Alia Team
Alia Nov 21 '13
Patricia Zorrilla Bcn, sorry for the late reply.
I have checked and my user received email notifications just fine.
Are you 100% sure that the user who is not receiving emails notifications has "Immediately" under "My Preferences".

1. Since this happens to your own user as well, can you just change this user's email to something else ? Example if user used to have @gmail account, change his email to just another @gmail email.
Also try changing to totally another email (ex. @hotmail).  This way we can check whether it is this particular email/email provider causing the issue.

2. Does this user get site notifications? ( ex. that his has got 1 new unread PM notice in the top right console of your site)
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Nov 21 '13

Yes, I have several users who are in both systems that I manage a receive and the other does not, including myself.

That rules that can be problem gmail / hotmail / others, as they are the same addresses those used in the two networks.

The confirmation emails are always sent successfully register. Notification But some users have never received any, and switching to "Immediately" remain the same.

Alia Team
Alia Nov 25 '13
Does this user get site notifications? ( ex. that his has got 1 new unread PM notice in the top right console of your site) ?

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Nov 25 '13

The notifications are always displayed to all users well.

Users not receiving emails are always the same, if I looked every day or every several were connected, if attending the notifications screen or not, the setting "My Preferences" >> "Email notifications" "immediately" or "automatically" and none of these things seem to have nothing to do. The emails are all checked and are all correct. I really do not know what else to look.

I think it may be that Cron not have time to do much homework, is a network with many users and all very active. If there is no time, continued next execution (every 5 minutes) or lose some tasks? 

Alia Team
Alia Dec 2 '13
Patricia, this is not likely to be caused by Cron.
System sends max. 50 emails every time your CRON runs. So if you have 100 emails to be sent in ow_base_mail table, and your cron runs every minute, it will take 2 mins to send out all emails.

I recommend changing the email in your user's profile, and see whether emails start coming to another email address.

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Dec 2 '13

Well, I'll prove to other email addresses.

Thanks for your interest!!

pit Jul 29 '14
there are not any solution for this problem yet? 

I have the same problem. Nothing receive email notifications about my domain activity.

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jul 29 '14

I have not found a solution to this problem, others are very difficult to track whether or not sent. 

I found some improvement changing cron 5 minutes instead of one, but not change it to 10, so I left a 5 and I stopped investigating the problem because Oxwall has more serious problems than not it. 

ross Team
ross Jul 29 '14
Pit, Patricia, you need to check whether your cron job is properly configured

enable debug mode and go to www.yourdomain.com/ow_cron/run.php what do you see there? please provide a screenshot

try to send mass mailing - make sure your phpmyadmin is open, open the table ow_base_mail as soon as you do mass mailing refresh ow_base_mail table if you don't see any mails, more obviously your cron is not working if the mail is there and then goes out to mail server, then there's something wrong with your mail server. In this case you will need to contact your provider to resolve the issue. 

María Cemborain
María Cemborain Mar 14 '17

Hi everybody, I have the same issue in my Oxwall new site: http://sociedadvenezolanacirugiaplastica.org/red

I made what Ross describes and I got a white page, after I had run http://sociedadvenezolanacirugiaplastica.org//red/ow_cron/run.php

I am not an expert. I have tried to configure my cron jobs in my server, but I don´t know what I am doing bad. 

Thanks a lot,

Maria Silvia