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Forum Bug | Forum

Jerome Nov 16 '13

Im receiving this error whenever i make a new post in my forum... How can i fix this? I did not do any nor touch any file within forum folder 

Alia Team
Alia Nov 17 '13
Jerome, did you do any custom modifications or installed any plugins lately?

Does this happen with all users or only your particular user?

Can you give  screen shot of " ow_forum_topic" database table?
Jerome Nov 18 '13

Nope, i did not do any custom modification on forum folders... The only custom modification i did was i removed ".gif / .png " format from my website.. But i can remember that im having this error since the 1st day i installed oxwall... and this error is very weird...

The topic will still be created although i receive this error... i have to "F5/refresh" when i see this error, then i can see my topic is created..

Just only, i login to a demo account and started a topic, i did not receive the error... then i login back to my admin account and started a topic, i did not receive the error again...

the weirdest part is... once i receive the error, i will keep on receiving the error no matter how many times i start a new topic... But once i don't receive the error, i wont receive the error no matter how many times i start a new topic... This error goes on and off 

The Forum post is edited by Jerome Nov 18 '13
Alia Team
Alia Nov 18 '13
Jerome,  we suspect that the issue with ow_forum_subscription  table.
When user creates the topic, this user gets automatically subscribed to this topic and the data is added to this table.
The errors you are getting are telling that the the row with the data system tries to insert already exists.

Are you using any third party plugins? If yes, try deactivating them one by one and see after which one error disappears.

On another note ( regarding your ow_forum_topic table) , seems like you are reaching your memory limit ( judging by the screen shot of your  database structure,  "data" and "overhead" sections are reaching 96 now). I suggest optimizing the table.

Jerome Nov 18 '13
umm... what do u mean by reaching memory limit?? let me show u my forum @@

as you can see, that's all in my forum and nothing more... i haven't really started to create the new sections in forum, and i have a total of 1 topic only... I don't know if this is what u meant by i created too much sections in forum?

Jerome Nov 18 '13
1) i have optimized the table... what happens if i just ignore it??

2) I have only installed 8 third party plugins for my oxwall website...

- Privacy

- Advertisement

- Contact Us

- Catalog

- User Hint

- Anti Brute Force

- User Clear

- API and APP interface for Oxwall

Which of this u think might cause the problem?

The Forum post is edited by Jerome Nov 19 '13
Alia Team
Alia Nov 21 '13
Jerome, regarding tables optimization, in general this benefits your site's performance. You can google this to find more info. It is optional.

In fact, any plugin could have caused this. Try to disable all plugins that were not developed by Oxwall Software user.