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How can I fix it? [Solved] | Forum

Arifur Rahman
Arifur Rahman Nov 20 '13

Please let me know.

How can I fix it?  http://www.ofnf.me/profile/ava/no-permission

OW Debug - NoticeMessage:Undefined index: profileActionToolbarFile:/home/ofnf/public_html/ow_smarty/template_c/073aae79dc4cffa1c027529692ba29a0795311ad.file.user_view_privacy_no_permission.html.phpLine:43

OW Debug - NoticeMessage:Trying to get property of non-objectFile:/home/ofnf/public_html/ow_smarty/template_c/073aae79dc4cffa1c027529692ba29a0795311ad.file.user_view_privacy_no_permission.html.phpLine:43

The Forum post is edited by Alia Nov 22 '13
Alia Team
Alia Nov 21 '13
Arifur, how did you  manage to get to the http://www.ofnf.me/profile/ava/no-permission  page?

1. Notices will disappear if you disable DEBUG mode.
2. If you are worried about missing lang. text key, then you can add one for "privacy+no_permission_message" at www.sitename.com/admin/dev-tools/languages ; >>Add New Text :

Section: Privacy
Key: no_permission_message
Text in English: enter your text here .
Arifur Rahman
Arifur Rahman Nov 22 '13
Thank you. (y)

It has been ok now!