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Contact Importer Plugin [Answered] | Forum

Kris Corp
Kris Corp Nov 27 '13

my site is www.nivaeden.com/social. The contact importer email doesnt work most of the time. Sometimes does and takes forever to go through. Facebook invites go to the desktop but not mobile phones. Sometimes the invite doesnt work either. Please help me get this straight.

The Forum post is edited by Alia Dec 5 '13
Alia Team
Alia Dec 2 '13
1. Contact Importer: email.
Open ow_base_mail table in your database. Does it contain any data?
Most likely it is empty.
Open contact importer form and invite somebody via email.
Open ow_base_mail again. It should contain a row with the data about your recent invite.
Wait until your Cron runs. Reload ow_base_mail table. Was the row containing the data abourt your invite removed?
If it was removed, then Oxwall has sent out all the emails to mail servers and it is now up to them to deliver sent data. Check the email where invite should have come.

If the row was not removed, then your Cron is not configured properly.

Check your mail server' error logs. Do they contain any data?
Are you using SMTP?
Who is your email provider?

2. Facebook invites.

We don't support mobile browsing at this moment.

>>Sometimes the invite doesn't work either.

Most likely user who is being invites has blocked invites within his FB account's settings.
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Jan 13 '14
I upgraded to 1.6 and i would say its totally horrible. Mobile version is really basic. Whats the point of coming out with a mobile version that's incomplete. You cant register on a phone, groups, plugin pages etc. Its just news feed photos and thats really it. Mobile is where everything is moving to. My site goes to an unknown page when i click a link with my website on it. Doesn't make sense. Goes from www.nivaeden.com and click social network to www.nivaeden.com/social/social when logged in. It should go straight to www.nivaeden.com/social. In Firefox when i go to my site it comes up like a basic white html page. Too many bugs and unfinished. When are you guys going to be done with the mobile version where it can be totally used on mobile phone. People have been waiting for a long time for something that has little new features. The share content buttons don't even work on my site. I don't see where they were created. Please let me know something. I'm very unhappy with the development of the new products.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 13 '14
Thank you for the feedback Kris.

>>Mobile version is really basic. Whats the point of coming out with a mobile version that's incomplete. You cant register on a phone, groups, plugin pages etc.

1.6 offers a base platform for future mobile developments. It is not just a mobile friendly theme.
Such features as registration will be added in future releases. Other plugins like groups, forum and etc. will be updated to work with 1.6 in future as well. In addition users can always visit your desktop version with full functionality while they are on their mobile devices.

>>Goes from www.nivaeden.com and click social network to www.nivaeden.com/social/social when logged in. It should go straight to www.nivaeden.com/social

Where do you have oxwall installed on your server?
What do you have in your main site's .htaccess? What do you have in oxwall's .htaccess?

>> In Firefox when i go to my site it comes up like a basic white html page.

Was not able to reproduce this. Sign in form opens just fine.

>>Too many bugs and unfinished

Please provide more details on this.

>>When are you guys going to be done with the mobile version where it can be totally used on mobile phone.

Standard Oxwall installation on the server that meets our requirements with standard plugins works well on 1.6 platform.
I think that your question is oriented more on when all other functionality will be added to mobile version. I can't give you an answer to this. Features for the next build are being gathered based on the feedback we receive right now from your guys. As for now, mobile verison does what it was designed to do with several bugs that will be fixes soon.

>>The share content buttons don't even work on my site. I don't see where they were created. Please let me know something. I'm very unhappy with the development of the new products.

Sharing features comes as a separate plugin. It will be uploaded to Store soon as well.
Jean Jan 13 '14

Morning Aliia


I have the exact same problem as Kris when it comes to the social/social issue. It redirects to a social/social and then displays a page not found error.


How do I quickly fix this? My server seems to hide the .htaccess file so I am unable to edit it.




Many Thanks


Jean Jan 13 '14
I managed to open it. this is what it looks like 

Options +FollowSymLinksRewriteEngine On
AddEncoding gzip .gzAddEncoding gzip .gzip<FilesMatch "\.(js.gz|js.gzip)$">  ForceType text/javascript</FilesMatch><FilesMatch "\.(css.gz|css.gzip)$">  ForceType text/css</FilesMatch>

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.phpRewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/index\.phpRewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_cron/run\.phpRewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.xml|\.feed|robots\.txt|\.raw|/[^.]*)$  [NC]RewriteRule (.*) index.php

Alia Team
Alia Jan 13 '14
Jean, can you PM me your admin panel and control panel access details?
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Jan 14 '14
Well every was under the impression that this be a to mobile development. That's like going to the car dealership and them giving me a car and say the other two wheels will be put on there in the future. Buyer goes well how am I suppose to drive the car. That's wat I feel about 1.6. Instead of doing 1.6 you guys could have had a plugin for all the same features instead of everyone waiting like a year for an incomplete product. Then I'm sure next development will 3 wheels instead of 4. Can u guys just please make legit software that it current to modern times.
Jean Jan 14 '14
Hi Aliia

Ive sent it to you. Let me know if you can help.



Alia Team
Alia Jan 14 '14

Thank you Jean.

This was happening because in the .html file of your landing page you had a link to : http://www.badasscorporation.co.za/social

For some reason our system didn't like the www part and did a strange redirect when www was part of the URL.

I have removed www from your landing page and now "Accept" link is going to the right place.

I have also reported this to our developers.

Alia Team
Alia Jan 14 '14
Kris, thanks again for your feedback.
I understand what you meant to say by the comparison to cars.

1.6 again is core platform and as I have understood from your feedback what is missing in it's core functionality is registration form.  Other then this there are:
- bug fixes ( thanks to you and Jean we have found one more)
- more compatible plugins ( groups, forums and etc).

I will pass this over to our product development team.

As for now you  just need to wait for future builds without updating your software. Let me know if you get any other suggestions/comments/reports
Alia Team
Alia Jan 14 '14
Also you can check what is currently being developed here: http://www.oxwall.org/roadmap
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Jan 14 '14
The question is when is all this suppose to be released. I hope not next year. My advice everything you can do on the desktop needs to be on the phone. NO one cares about desktop. Have of the people out there dont even have desktops. Mobile is where its at. Thats Now and the future. In the roadmap it needs to be everything on desktop on mobile. You guys should have just had a responsive theme and called it a day. The mobile tabs etc. was to me a waste of development time. Wordpress is way ahead. Theres is straight to the point. Upload a theme thats responsive and done. Thats what this should have been. That way no issues. You guys could have focused on selling themes instead of wasting time developing 1.6 that when you use it has a html mobile till you upload a theme. It doesnt even come standard with one. lol Just all around a mess. Copy wordpress. They have a great development and order system. Overall i think your program is way better than theirs for social network. Your interface is awesome and so are the features. You guys just need to get better at time and accuracy with your decision on whats really important to put into the releases.

O and one more thing. Please tell the developers to work on the speed. The network needs to be optimized. Its very slow. Even oxwall.org is slow. Something with the coding. Speed is a must. That is very important. I'm very honest. Trust me everything im telling you is true. Most people think it but probably wont say it. These are all major issues that need to be addressed.  Other than that i think you guys are doing a great job. Keep it up.

Need Mobile Development:
Live Chat
Pages with external tabs like desktop- They can go to other websites.
HotOrNot Page where people can vote on videos and photos.
upload avatars
Share buttons under each comment section to post to other social media site.
Group Photos such as covers like on my plugin i bought for the destop version.
Smiles and emotions
Friend invitor plugin to work on mobile. 
Signin Page
add friends button in profiles.
Other plugins that utilize the side bar page menus. For example i have a job Plugin. That should be on the menu bar of mobile. That's very important to me.

Do all these and you guys are good to go. Would be a perfect social network for everyone. As i said 1.6 was a waste. I think you guys should update and get rid of the mobile tab and just use the themes as responsive to turn the whole site into a mobile app where you don't need to do all the extra development. That will save you guys time and the people like me that are planning to use it. i cant really use this software until i know its stable cus downtime = Loss of users and reputation.
The Forum post is edited by Kris Corp Jan 14 '14