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brand spankin new to Oxwall...few question[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Nov 28 '13
1 When I change the Page header image at
Theme Customization>General Settings>Page header image with a image the same size, the image shifts to the left of the header. and on the default theme I jot my favicon to work, when I changed to Darklets theme it will not show up on front side of the site. I cleared cache refreshed ect nothing..

I have a lot of wordpress sites and I got grove on with WP...( very limited for my estores ) but found Oxwall in my hunt for a social style setup for my modeling site.  In a hour had a clean site up. Props to the team!

Well any help would be fantastic.

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 15 '13
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Nov 29 '13

welcome to oxwall

it took my favicon a few days to come up aswell

Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Dec 14 '13
favicon showed up!
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '13