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Oxwall on Apache 2.4[Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
ben Nov 29 '13
why oxwall not working with apache 2.4? Username and email address on profile is blank. Do I missing something
The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 23 '13
ben Nov 29 '13
enable debug mode and i get parse error when write on newsfeed
The Forum post is edited by ben Nov 29 '13
Dave S
Dave S Dec 1 '13
Can you please explain more about the problem? I'm sure that Apache is not the problem. Check out system req info  - http://www.oxwall.org/hosting
ben Dec 1 '13
No problem with 2.2, but i had problem with 2.4.7
ross Team
ross Dec 23 '13

From your words, everything is ok on 2.2. and you have blank username and e-mail address on 2.4.7 . Can you please, provide a screenshot of that page and more details, like (browser version, linux/windows etc? Please, as many details as possible so we could reproduce this issue. 

ben Jan 8 '14
Yah, that's correct, everything is fine on 2.2. but when using 2.4.7 username and email address on user profile page when login as admin you can see it as hidden on 2.2 and blank on 2.4.7, also write on newsfeed, comment not show up and get parse error message.

I cant give you screen shoot because i change back to 2.2. me and my user had same problem comment not showing up, so it could be happend to vary browser. my browser when i change to 2.4.7 is moz firefox 24, windows 7. server linux centos 6.4 now 6.5
The Forum post is edited by ben Jan 8 '14
ben Apr 13 '14
oxwall working fine with 2.4.9
ali Apr 11 '23
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