First sorry for my english,
I updated a plugin on my site and now it's all white!
What should I do?
Thank you very outset
First sorry for my english,
I updated a plugin on my site and now it's all white!
What should I do?
Thank you very outset
Is it an Oxwall Plugin or a 3rd party plugin? If it is a 3rd party plugin try contacting the developer, I'm sure you will get assistance. If it is an Oxwall plugin you'll surely get help from the team but you need to tell what plugin it is.
Have a great weekends.
Ola !Muito Obrigado pela atenção !Percebi que ao atualizar o plugin PROFILE PROGRESS BAR, Meu site ficou fora do ar,então eu fui até o cpanel e excluir o mesmo manualmente e meu site retornou.
quando eu instalei novamente o arquivo meu site novamente ficou fora do ar então eu exclui definitivamente ele no painel de controle cpanel.
Obrigado pela Atenção mais uma vez ! irei entrar em contato com o desenvolvedor .
Good morning,
Thanks again for your attention after you have corrected the error plugin and delete it, I realized also that affected apart from my profile, now the following error 500 message when the User is to visualize part of my profile is written
Internal Server Error.
Sorry but I think the plugin I tried to update (Profile progress) affected the physical part of my site oxwall