here are two designs i made for profile [not for main site] :)

-non standard fonts
-cool navigations (two icons beside the header are the "main" and "my profile" navigations XD)
-image entering effects
-blue cursor
-colored scrollbar (can b viewed at chrome only :o)
*theme credits :
-ori blogger template design by MD @ blogskins
-images by MD @ blogskins
*SS printed @ ikasu anime

*includes :
-"back to top" button
-non standard fonts
-cool navigations
-image entering effects
-lollipop cursor
-colored scrollbar (can b viewed at chrome only :o)
*theme credits :
nav images @ reviviscent
*SS printed @ ikasu anime
well now i'm in progess of making theme for my weird site hehe
but it hasnt finished yet .here's the SS :

sorry if the themes are too bad.