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Slideshow plugin - Speed? | Forum

Daniel Dec 10 '13
Hey there.
I'm trying to change the speed of the slideshow plugin beyond the standard intervals "short, medium, long" , anyone knows where I can change the values?

Any help would be appreciated, cause *BIIP* that thing is making my head hurt..
Daisy Team
Daisy Dec 19 '13
You can modify the interval values in /ow_plugins/slideshow/static/js/slideshow.js file.
Daniel Dec 20 '13
Hmm.. Tried setting the long interval to 15000 but doesn't seem to work?
Daisy Team
Daisy Dec 23 '13
Daniel, have you enabled the DEV mode?
Daniel Dec 29 '13
Sry for the late response.. But no, tried almost everything else.. Even restarting my webserver , clearing cache etc..
What would DEV mode do?
Musik Jan 2 '14
Currently looking into this as well. Like Daniel, adjusting the interval didn't change the speed. I've seen other posts about DEV mode - how would that benefit here?

Thank you!

Daisy Team
Daisy Jan 3 '14
The DEV_MODE is responsible for the Smarty cache clear and theme/static recompile. To enable it you should go to ow_includes/config.php file and replace the false value with 63. Then refresh the site page and return the false value.

Musik Jan 3 '14
Thanks, Daisy. I'll give this a shot this weekend and report back on how that affects the Slideshow.
Daniel Jan 8 '14
Just did the dev thingy.. And AHH! that helped. Thanks alot :)
Musik Jan 8 '14
Same here. I added way too many zeroes at first, which caused another problem. After I was able to troubleshoot that, now the slideshow runs at the speed I'm looking for. Thank you!
Daisy Team
Daisy Jan 10 '14
I am glad to hear that the problem is solved. :)
The Forum post is edited by Daisy Jan 10 '14