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Oxwall Themes Final Stroke | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
LD`K Dec 12 '13

Hi Oxwall Users,

We may have failed to impress the moderation team for our themes offered here, but we know that customer/users has the last say and the right to choose what they are comfortable with.

Further themes will be directed to our store, if you like our work and would like to give us support for continued oxwall unique themes, please check on our Store.

We were just getting started guys. So sad..very sad... tsk tsk tsk


The Forum post is edited by LD`K Dec 12 '13
Sen Projects
Sen Projects Dec 12 '13
I agree with LD`K he is our lead designer. We just created a new theme called blueof but will not bother to submit it in the store for we know what Oxwall will say "It looks the same with orangeOF theme". We can't agree on this because they don't, our themes have different properties although the main navigation bar are all located in the left pane (this is our signature for this year and with data counter). It's too sad that we cannot make this community lively for both users and 3rd party developers. I'm sure other developers are experiencing the same issue, well all I can say is let's hold on to our poles :)

"There's no success when there is useless limitation." That is what my father told me when I started my first restaurant business, I followed it and now I have 3 restaurants and 2 convenient stores. A good business management will keep you rolling for a long time :)

Have a great day.