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User wants to customize their profile background | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Dec 14 '13
I don't know how to do that so I can't help the user.  I just told them the software doesn't support it.


bobbi Dec 14 '13
you can add a background we add backgrounsds, graphics and music players on my site, i have two codes that allow a background, it depends on the site theme as to whether they will work, could you give me the link to your site then i can join and test out the codes i use on my site
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Dec 14 '13
Is it just viewable by the user or everyone that views their page?  How secure is it?


bobbi Dec 14 '13
everyone who views the users profile will see it, you are welcome to join my site and check out my profile, i have changed the colour of the center console on my profile as well,  i have never had any problems with my members using the codes,  it is a css code added to the users profile when they customise
bobbi Dec 14 '13

here is a shot of how we can change our background on profiles and the center console, it was a off white before
Stas Dec 16 '13
Steve, Oxwall indeed doesn't have this feature.

1. Only admin can change background color
2. Even admin can't set one background for user profile and another background for other site pages. I think that background is something that is global in Oxwall, meaning that CSS and html is one and the same for ALL site pages.
3. And even if admin could have set profile background separately from other pages ( assuming that code was somehow modified), it is pain in the a*** to then ALLOW each and every user to set his/her OWN background.

What your user requests is a complex custom code modification.
The Forum post is edited by Stas Dec 16 '13
Stas Dec 16 '13
Bobbi, looks good. I have the same question as Steve. Any user on your site can select his own "design"? If yes, do you mind sharing how this works? Which code is being used?
bobbi Dec 16 '13

Once I get to computer I will share the codes

It is not a custom code modification there are no core changes,  just a code users put into thier profiles when customising :-)

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Dec 16 '13
If users can put such code in themselves then would it not be a major security flaw in Oxwall?

bobbi Dec 16 '13
 it is just a code that changes the background,

i added the code in admin - user profile settings so if our members want to change the background they just have to add the image url to the code i provide them,  it is no different than adding a html code to add a graphic or embed code to add a youtube video,
our members enjoy customizing their pages adding graphics, music players, videos, changing backgrounds,

this is the code i use - note it works in origin and showcase, it does not work in macabre or darklets theme, my site uses origin, i have another code which works in crayon and basic,
i dont know enough about css but if anyone does and can provide a code which works in all themes .........

 you just paste the image url where i have written add image url here

<style>.ow_page_wrap {
background-image:url('ADD IMAGE URL HERE');}

it has not been tested in all themes,

Carol Schumacher
Carol Schumacher Sep 6 '14
Thanks!  You're a big help to us here at Furiendly Pets.  I really appreciate this, been trying to try out how to do this.
beyondherd Aug 9 '23
I think so, Only admin can change the BG color. I have also tried many solutions for users of Tierkrematorium Balingen to change the color. But It did't came with the results.