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Kelvin {the GodFada}
Somebody please help me, my RSS is not working on my site www.gnshangout.com, please doese it required any setup and how can i do that?
  RSS.jpg (30.72Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Dec 18 '13
Kelvin, which RSS url were you trying to add?
Alia Team
Alia Dec 18 '13
Topic was moved from General Chat.
Kelvin {the GodFada}

Thanks Aliia for your respons, i really appriciate your coming, i have added a url to the Rss and the Rss displayed the post frim the url but the problem there  that, the Rss only display 10 post from the url which is the Rss defaut display limit, but is not updating the news/post from the Rss url automatically.

Please help me, how to make the Rss automatically update the news/post to enable my site users see the latest news/post from the Rss feeds.


 You are wonderfully good to me.

Alia Team
Alia Dec 19 '13
Please refer to my reply №3 on how RSS works in Oxwall given here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/14554

Kelvin {the GodFada}
Hello Aliia pls help me, after i edit the code you provided at http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/14554 to get the Rss Feed update after minute go site www.gnshangout.com go displaying Error 500
Internal Server Error.

Pleas what should i do?

Here there code i change the 60 * 60 to single 60 at:-

                OW::getCacheService()->set($cacheKey, json_encode($this->rss),60 * 60);


                OW::getCacheService()->set($cacheKey, json_encode($this->rss),60);

There bug bellow on the attached
The Forum post is edited by Kelvin {the GodFada} Dec 19 '13
  Bug.jpg (93.74Kb)
Kelvin {the GodFada}
Hello Aliia, thanks very much for always been there to help me, may God Almighty take you more higher and higher.
I have solve the Problem by myself and my site is now working fine, but have not fully sure if the Rss Feed is updating automatically or not, i will get back to you soon as i see it updating too.
Love you.