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Michael Leader
Michael Jul 14 '11
I want to change the plugin from Gifts to Recommendations. I have been through the languages and changed anything that says Gifts to Recommendations.

When I look at a user's profile I see the "Send Recommendation" box which is cool cos then the language edit worked.

However in the user profile I still see a box saying "GIFTS"

Where can I change the text for that box? And can it be done in a way that no hard coding of files is needed as I want to rpeserve the site after updates.
Rivu Jul 15 '11
Check "The Language" option at your admin panel, and search for "GIFTS" and edit it.
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 16 '11
I have done that and replaced everything with the word Gift in it.
The problem is that AFTER I have done the the panel within a user profile still shows as Gifts (and a wee heart).

Probably a language key missing or something...
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 16 '11
Yes. Like that! I am trying to find a language key to change that!
I don't like hard coding files because as updates come they will get overwritten and I have a habit of forgetting where I stuck things!
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 16 '11
I checked that key and I have renamed it but it us still showing gifts on the user profile.
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11

My language key...

and what the user sees...

Funny. I have also noticed that when I do a fresh development install in the questions for joining there is a display of a "question" saying JOIN DATE.
My site is at 1.1.1 and so is the fresh install but my site doesn't show that.
So it looks like my gifts plugin didn't install right???
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
I did 1/2 that. Just removed it :) Not really what I was looking for anyway.
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
I am actually looking for a way people can appraise eachother for a good job. Ultimately I want a member to send a reference to another member, the receiving member to acknowledge/refuse it and all acknowledged references are viewable by others in a "reference" area searchable by the reveiver username. I was looking for a short method using Gifts but not really for me.
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
I have that many things I would like to see I am waiting for Oxwall to mature with many plugins.

The only downfall is the customisation of the pack. Once more people adopt and create content for Oxwall it will take off. It IS the best free social website install I have seen!
Den Team
Den Jul 18 '11
This is something like "black spots" in oxwall structure :) And we reduced it with any next update.
The issue is:
While you don't press "Save" in any widget's settings (on dashboard, my profile, site index), script takes widget's label from language settings and you can change this value from Admin Panel->Language. But when you press "Save", widget's label and al other settings will be taken from special "Settings" tables. Because currently scripts do not recognize were settings changed or not.
That's why when you reinstall plugin, all widget's settings are removed and you are able to change widget's label from admin panel->languages section.
So, when you change this label in languages, all profiles who has pressed "Save" will still see and old label.

We will fix it after upcoming update.
Den Team
Den Jul 18 '11
This is something like "black spots" in oxwall structure :) And we reduced it with any next update.
The issue is:
While you don't press "Save" in any widget's settings (on dashboard, my profile, site index), script takes widget's label from language settings and you can change this value from Admin Panel->Language. But when you press "Save", widget's label and al other settings will be taken from special "Settings" tables. Because currently scripts do not recognize were settings changed or not.
That's why when you reinstall plugin, all widget's settings are removed and you are able to change widget's label from admin panel->languages section.
So, when you change this label in languages, all profiles who has pressed "Save" will still see and old label.

We will fix it after upcoming update.
Geraldo Doly
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