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Cron error log [Answered] | Forum

Sean Dec 23 '13
I have the following error appear in my cron error log every 2 minutes:

"Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 75 bytes) in /home/owned/public_html/ow_core/database.php on line 499"

How can I identify which script it is that is causing this error? The log does not say.

The Forum post is edited by Alia Jan 16 '14
Sean Jan 14 '14

I'm still getting this error every two minutes. I've tried to find out what cron process is being run every two minutes but to no avail. Is there anyway I can find out exactly what command is causing this error?

Ideally I do not want to go through deactivating plugins one by one as I have around 60!

MarkieMark67 Jan 14 '14
What CRON command are you using, and What company? 
Alia Team
Alia Jan 15 '14
Sean, it is not  that easy to find which script is doing this and most of other solutions will take as much time as deactivating plugins. But if you don't want to deactivate plugins:

1. Find all plugins within /ow_plugins/ folder that have cron.php file. Some of them might have it and some not. Write down a list of all the plugins that have this file.

2. Rename all cron.php files within all found plugins, to, for example, cron_test.php

3. Wait until your Cron runs. Check your cron error log. Still getting the same memory size issue?
Then the issue is within one of system_plugins. Let me know if this will be the case and we will investigate further

4. If the memory limit issue disappeared then, one of the plugins whose cron.php file you have disabled is causing this. You just need to find out which one. Start renaming cron_test.php to cron.php  one by one. Wait until your cron runs after renaming each file, check your error logs.

Also if you know how timing is written down for Cron in .php, you can open each cron.php without renaming anything and just browse for the line of code that seems to be set to every second minute. This will help you to narrow down the list of plugins to check.

Sean Jan 15 '14
The cron command is:

*****wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.sitename.com/ow_cron/run.php

Aliia I will try your suggestion, thank you