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Fb plugin error | Forum

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 27 '13

I am currently trying to add fb plugin to my site its not working its saying error plz

Application setup failed. Please check your App ID and Application Secret.

Alia Team
Alia Dec 29 '13
Durlah, where on facebook are you adding your app?

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 30 '13
Under web menu
Alia Team
Alia Jan 1 '14
Can you check following URL: http://developers.facebook.com/setup/
That is where you need to create your APP.
Instructions can be found here http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:facebook-connect

Your screen shots look different from the settings I see when I am trying to create the App. So I think that you are doing it in a wrong place.