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Cannot "Customize This Page" | Forum

Bob Jul 15 '11
I am trying to add HTML sidebars to my website. However, when I go to my Admin and click the "Customize" button on any page, nothing happens. I have tried in a few different browsers and still no success. Does anyone have a suggestion? Can installing specific plugins affect this? Is there an update to the software? Thanks!
Bob Jul 15 '11
Also, I installed Oxwall automatically through Softaculous.
Dantes Jul 15 '11
if you cant enter the customization url have to enter manually
most of the time
after you are there you must turn off java
eliminate the code of the bar (just a few works not all the bars)
and keep it trying
Rivu Jul 15 '11
Take a Look Here

However, if your "Customize this page" button doesn't work, try to go to

Let me know if it works.
Dantes Jul 16 '11
its my same answer ¬¬
The Forum post is edited by Dantes Jul 16 '11
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 16 '11
Also try using different browsers. (Which one are you using)
Dantes Jul 16 '11
guys i was having the same problem one time and with what i wrote it solves
not need to reinstalla or nothing
Bob Jul 16 '11
Thanks for the awesome support guys! All I did was uninstall the Newsfeed plugin and uploaded a new one from the Oxwall Market to my file directory. Reinstalled Newsfeed via my Admin panel and voila!

The main difference I noticed was that my sidebar moved from the left side to the right. Is this normal? Maybe it's possible to determine if your Newsfeed plugin needs to be updated by seeing if your sidebar is on the left or not. Just a thought for anyone else who has this problem.

Thanks again!
Rivu Jul 16 '11
I honestly never saw the sidebar at the left. maye it happened to you due to some problems ?
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
Sidebar lives on the left on a default install.
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
Depends on the theme he is using.
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
Sorry, I was mistaking the graphite theme items on the left as the sidebar. There is a seperate graphite + sidebar(right) theme.
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 18 '11
No. I was having a bit of a dim moment.
Don't rub it in! LOL!!! :o)
Anthony Jul 18 '11
For future problems with this, I found that if you jsut reinstall the "Newfeed" plugin, that that will solve all of the problems. ;)
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 18 '11
Thanks for the heads up. Simple fixes are always good!