Well thanks for the info Dave S.
? which file are you taking about? I'm looking at a few of them and I'm not
sure which file to mod the code with. What would be the best code to input in
the 'PHOTO' Language filed? I'm kinda new to OX coding but can get things
working if pointed in the right place with right coding.
Files I'm looking at:
1.{$user}'s photo albums
{text key='photo+page_title_user_albums'}
2. Photo albums by {$displayName} - {$albums}, and others.
{text key='photo+meta_description_photo_useralbums'}
3. Album
{text key='photo+album'}
4. Photo Albums {text
key='photo+user_photo_albums_widget'}5. View all user albums {text key='photo+view_user_albums'}