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Cronjob [Solved] | Forum

Joey Jan 1 '14
Hey people,

can somebody see what is wrong with this cron?

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/accountnumber/public_html/oxwall/ow_cron/run.php

If i put this in my adresbar it works fine, but when i do nothing, messages will not send automatically.

The Forum post is edited by Alia Jan 5 '14
Alia Team
Alia Jan 1 '14
Joey, where did you get this path from?

Can you try other commands (wget, linx, curl)  listed here: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron ?

>>messages will not send automatically.

Which messages are you referring to?
Joey Jan 1 '14
messages like notifications, comments on blogs etc.

Or is this  never been like that?

For what are these cronjobs then?

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 1 '14
what do you mean by putting it in the address bar 
Joey Jan 1 '14
if y put the link in my adresbar in chrome www.site.nl/cron/run.php (you know what i mean right?) then i get some messages from my oxwall site.

But if i dont do this, i dont get any messages

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 1 '14
curl http://www.yoursite.com/ow_cron/run.php is this how your cron job looks but yoursite.com is the domain
Joey Jan 1 '14
Ok, thanks for the answers.

I send this to my hoster, so he can look.

But when it works, what does this cron do? Mail notifications, or only PM messages?

Joey Jan 2 '14
Ok, my host changes the cron.

I made a testaccount, and with my own admin account, i invite him for an event.

But there is no email coming, with this message.

So, what is the problem? How can i check if the cron is good?

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 2 '14
when you are on the admin panel if your cron is not set up there will be a message telling u 
Joey Jan 2 '14
This message is not visible any more, but i try 5 different crons, so i dont no wich one is working
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 2 '14
all of them will be working 
Joey Jan 2 '14
Quote from Kieron (thestatusfeed.com) all of them will be working 

Why is ,y site not sending emails?

If i run this cron manually it send some mails. But if i dont, i get no messages

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 2 '14
is the cron set to 1 minute 
The Forum post is edited by Kieron H Jan 2 '14
Joey Jan 2 '14
Quote from Kieron (thestatusfeed.com) is the cron set to 1 minute 

Yes it is 
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 2 '14
all i can suggest is contact your hosting 
Joey Jan 3 '14
i did, and they put some different crons.

Maybe, i am thinking wrong, but what does this cron do? what messages do i have to get when its good?

Tested for now again. With my user test i send a pm to my admin account. After 10 minutes, nothing happende (my cron is for every minute) 

So i run the cron manually and in 2 seconds i get the mail with the message.

this is my cron /usr/local/bin/wget -O - -q -t 1 http://mysite.com/oxwall/ow_cron/run.php

The Forum post is edited by Joey Jan 3 '14
Joey Jan 3 '14
No, thanks.

I look a little bit more in logs e.d.

I try to make much messages blogs comments and invites. Look after 2 en half hour in my mail, and i see..........................

Every hour 18:01 and 19:01 i get mail

So this is good, but its not every minute as it should be right? 

Maybe my idea is wrong?

If i invite UserX for an event, he must get this mailmessage directly or what?

Joey Jan 3 '14
Now i am sure.

i get every hour 1 minute after so 18:01 19:01 and 20:01 messages

here is how it look like

this is good?

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i find it.  1 is not good, must be */1

Now it works good.

Thanks guys, for patience and helping me

The Forum post is edited by Joey Jan 3 '14