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why all photos are stored in one directory? | Forum

Jhon Jan 2 '14
It will be difficult to maintain if hundreds of thousands of photos are uploaded and stored in one directory,especially considering that some Hosts limit the  maximum number of files in one directory.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 5 '14

>>why all photos are stored in one directory?

That is the way software was originally designed.
You can use cloud storages as suggested by Paul, OR you can use following solution: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/12269

Thanks for bringing up this question. We will consider this while developing new updates.
Wilson Feb 15 '14
Just to let you know Aliia, that modification has a few bugs reported by myself, S. Bourdon and Dave S. It does NOT delete photos and albums from the server when the user attempts to delete them. This modification also affects the “Avatar” plugin.  Avatars are sitting in the wrong directory and shows the “Profile Pictures “ album with broken links if using the Avatar History” plugin.

So I’m not sure anyone should be referring  this modification until its gets fixed. If you use the “Separate Directories” you won’t be able to use “Avatar History” plugin and users won’t be able to delete photos and albums from the server. Do a test site and look around in the oxwall/ow_userfiles/plugins/photo file and you will see a folder (1) after you upload a few photos. Now delete them and go back to oxwall/ow_userfiles/plugins/photo and you will see that the photos are still in the folder.

The Forum post is edited by Wilson Feb 15 '14
ben Feb 28 '14
yes, this must be solved too. my newfeed looks messed up  with missing image
ben Feb 28 '14
people make friends with them self
ben Feb 28 '14
this newsfeed version is not good