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Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
Can we have a brief explaination how to add a G+ button on their Oxwall site?
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
I pasted the code into a html box and stuck it into my sidebar. Should I be doing the "Head" thing they say to do?

The Forum post is edited by Michael Jul 17 '11
  code.txt (0.24Kb)
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
hmmm. It seems to be behaving itself...
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 17 '11
One of the things I love about Oxwall. The custom html boxes can be powerful!

For some reason my +1 box started to work and retain numbers without any modifications. Just a html box in the sidebar did it for me!
Alan Nov 21 '11
My question has just been answered :D
Den Team
Den Nov 21 '11
Topic was moved from Core.