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Mobile CSS editing | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Dan Jan 9 '14
How do you suggest adding custom CSS to public_html/ow_themes/origin/mobile/base.css ?  I noticed in Munchen theme there is a base_1.css and base.css. That would suggest to me to duplicate base.css, edit it, and rename the original (ie base.css to  "base_old".)
The Forum post is edited by Dan Jan 9 '14
Daisy Team
Daisy Jan 10 '14
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.
Dan Jan 11 '14
Including custom CSS (not a complete re-write of the mobile base.css) in this file is the better option: /public_html/ow_userfiles/themes/mobile_originXXXXXXX.css

It's in the same directory as the main theme's CSS edits.