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Facebook Cross posting with Comments[Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
David A
David A Jan 9 '14
Would like to have posts sycned between oxwall and facebook.... but would like comments synced as well.

I was wondering if there were any plugins that allowed one to  cross post items to facebook fanpage and groups...AND that would sync up the comments on the two platforms. Here is a plugiun that does that for wordpress

The Forum post is edited by ross Jan 10 '14
ross Team
ross Jan 10 '14
This is considered as a custom code modification. 
David A
David A Jan 10 '14
Alright.. Thank you.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
You don't need any plugin to do that if you want all activies to be posted in facebook.

There are websites which take your RSS feed and post them to FB and Twitter automatically.

But for that you need RSS feed plugin.
David A
David A Jan 10 '14
Puru good to see you.
So is it possible to synchronize comments on posts via the rss feed?
David A
David A Mar 26 '14
I wanted to ask this again. Is it possible to sychronize both ways using rss feed?  I really would like to be able to synchronize posts in a facebook group, with posts in oxwall or oxwall group...


David A
David A Mar 26 '14
does this help?  Will this also deliver comments?

with one of these? http://www.oxwall.org/store/search/plugin?q=rss
ross Team
ross Mar 27 '14


you may want to consider these two plugins to share your activity both ways, but if you want to share both ways only comments, this is considered as a paid plugin developement. 

David A
David A Mar 27 '14
I do not know alot about rss feeds. but it seems like there should be a way of doing this... where these things are synced up.  I want to sync up a group on facebook with a group on oxwall or the main oxwall newsfeed.  I would also be alright with the creation of a separate feed with just content being synced from facebook.
The Forum post is edited by David A Mar 27 '14
ross Team
ross Mar 27 '14
Please look at the plugins I put earlier, they will help you to to do that. 
David A
David A Mar 27 '14
Looking at them now. Looks like Social Stream, helps bring content into Owall and Social Publisher helps push posts out of oxwall....  i have sent them some questions..

David A
David A Sep 8 '14
Just wanted to follow up on this. It looks like what I am interested in doing is possible Vbulletin.

Though I have not tested in.  I would really like to have a mirror of my oxwall groups on Facebook.   So when an oxwall group is created, you can connect it to a facebook group. If you post anything to the group it is "synced" to the facebook group. ....

Seems like this is possible in wordpress, and drupal but I have not "tested" it.


Not sure what friendica is...
ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
David, have you got a reply from the developers of Social stream and Social publisher? 

Default software and oxwall native plugins do not have such capabilities

David A
David A Sep 16 '14
Thanks Ross. No I never got a reply. I will try and get back in touch with them.
ross Team
ross Sep 16 '14
Alright, thanks
Jinger Jarrett
Jinger Jarrett Sep 17 '14
How long before those plugins will be updated? When I bought them they worked, but since I updated 1.71, I'm not having any luck with them.
ross Team
ross Sep 17 '14
These are 3rd party plugin, you need to contact plugin developers, as we are not responsible for updating of these plugins.