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Not recieved update to 1.6 [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 10 '14
Hello can anyone please tell me why I have not yet recieved the update to 1.6 in my admin yet, it was released on the 8th of January  and it is now the 10th, but still no sign of it, is it because I live in England?
The Forum post is edited by ross Jan 12 '14
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 10 '14
I do not know what is wrong then?
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 10 '14
yes I do
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 10 '14
I have been using the movie plugin for a while now
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 10 '14
ok I will give it a try thank you
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 10 '14
Movie plugin as been removed and now there is no error message but still no update
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 10 '14
Still no luck not sure what is going on, update still not here
Pete Jan 10 '14
You may have to do a manual Oxwall update of 6.1 ,just be carefull Stan it might mess all your site up .I would back up your db first and download all your files
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 10 '14
I am just going to wait Peter I do not want to risk it.
ross Team
ross Jan 12 '14
Hello Stan, 

When you removed Movie, plugin what error you got?

Wilson Jan 13 '14

I would stay with version 1.5.3 until they get things working! Don’t update any plugins, save all of your current plugins. This is like the Heath Care roll out! BAD NEWS!


Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jan 14 '14
Cheers guys everything is ok, the 1.6 update finally came through, and when I removed the movie roll plugin there was no error, but I contacted the developer about the error with the movie roll plugin and he said just to remove the config file.

anyway thank you all for your help :)
