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Help with mobile version | Forum

andres Jan 12 '14

sb knows or can help me configure either the mobile version

since I only aparesen in mobile menu

aparesen me since very few menus

as done

your help is appreciated

  version movil.jpg (78.48Kb)
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 12 '14
please can you explain this more clearly 
andres Jan 12 '14
I would like to know how to add more menus to the mobile version since I only aparesen photos, news, and quisieara know if I can add more menus for example: videoseventos, forums, and more and another because it is not the chat and users can not chat  

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Jan 12 '14
these features are not yet available
Alia Team
Alia Jan 15 '14
Andres, this can not be achieved easily. If you are developer and know what you are doing then
take "Photo" plugin as an example. Check activate.php of this plugin. You will see how mobile version  menu was added in this plugin:

General structure to add menu items in activate.php:

OW::getNavigation()->addMenuItem(OW_Navigation::MAIN, 'routing-example', 'skeleton', 'routing_example_menu_item', OW_Navigation::VISIBLE_FOR_ALL);

  • OW_Navigation::MAIN - Menu type: MAIN or BOTTOM;
  • routing-example - the name of the route for the example page;
  • skeleton - menu item’s prefix, which should be named like the the plugin key;
  • routing_example_menu_item - the unique key of the item menu;
  • OW_Navigation::VISIBLE_FOR_ALL - indicates who will be able to view the menu item: VISIBLE_FOR_ALL (everyone), VISIBLE_FOR_GUEST (unauthorised users) or VISIBLE_FOR_MEMBER (authorized users);
Example of how this was done for mobile version of "Photo" plugin:

OW::getNavigation()->addMenuItem(OW_Navigation::MOBILE_TOP, 'photo_list_index', 'photo', 'mobile_photo', OW_Navigation::VISIBLE_FOR_ALL);

Of course just adding this into activate.php is not enough, you will need to modify other files so that added menu item will in fact open some kind of page and will not result in "page not found".

Overall if you are not a developer, I don't recommend adding menu items for already existing plugins.
Regarding chat integration for mobile version, check http://www.oxwall.org/roadmap . Chat and mailbox for mobile version are currently being developed. Stay tuned.