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mobile platform, 1.6 | Forum

Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Jan 15 '14
I want to removethemobileplatform,1.6is givingproblemson my site,such asI can'tdrag items
Den Team
Den Jan 16 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 16 '14
Francisco Guerreiro,

Are you getting following screen when you are trying to drag and drop items?

If yes
a) have you updated all of your plugins?
Update all plugins. If updates for some plugins are not available yet, deactivate them one by one. One of them might be causing this issue.
b) have you updated your theme?

What do you mean by "remove mobile platform"?
You will need to  restore your site from back up to downgrade to 1.5.
If you just don't want your users to be redirected to mobile version check this topic: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/15550

Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Jan 16 '14
I upgrade to 1.5.3 platform will lose my limbs? And all my plugins? I appreciate all the information?
Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Jan 16 '14
Bought a new theme and I can not drag my items on the site!
Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Jan 16 '14
I want to change my website as it was prior to 1.5.3 somebody help me!
Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Jan 16 '14
By changing the platform as he had'll lose my members?
Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Jan 16 '14
Help meeeeeee
Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach Jan 19 '14
Your questions make no sense Francisco. It's not surprising no one is helping.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 19 '14
The only way to downgrade to 1.5.3 is to restore your site from the back up.

This means that if you've installed new plugins after the back up was made- you will not have those plugings. If new users registered after the back up was made, you will lose them as well. Basically restoring from back up will restore only the data that this back up contained.

In your site I just recommend changing your theme to the one where drag and drop will work without downgrading to 1.5.3.

Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Jan 20 '14
Already bought a new theme compatible with 1.6 and I still can not drag and drop items, I do not understand!
Alia Team
Alia Jan 21 '14
a) have you updated all of your plugins?
Francisco Guerreiro
Francisco Guerreiro Jan 21 '14
yes ja updated the plugins but still the same