I installed the new oxw 1.6x on my hosting server, everything works fine except for new photo(s) added, when i upload a new picture, on the dashboard it should say:
{user} + uploaded {$number} new photos to <a href="{$albumUrl}">{$albumName}</a> album
( {text key='photo+feed_multiple_descriptions'} from the language files)
now the problem is that when i publish a new photo(s) it ONLY show the name of the user who published the photo: {user}
For example, if the user "john" upload 3 news pictures into the album "food"
it should appears as:
John uploaded 3 new photos to food album
BUT, in my case only appears:
"john" and the pictures under the name "john"
off course i checked the lang file and it's not emty, actually it is:
{text key='photo+feed_multiple_descriptions'} = uploaded {$number} new photos to <a href="{$albumUrl}">{$albumName}</a> album
but still not working, i didn't edit/touch any sys file, and just to be sure it wasn't a problem on my side, i just did a new fresh installation of oxw 1.6 on another hosting space i own, and yes, it's still not showing the right text after {user}.
Any idea please?