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Fatal Error? | Forum

Gregory King
Gregory King Jan 16 '14
Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'MOBILE_TOP' in /home/callingo/public_html/Home/ow_plugins/newsfeed/update/7012/update.php on line 6

This is what I got when I tried to update my news feed, now it won't let me go onto my admin page all the way, it keeps sending me back to the part were you have to click update for Newsfeed, and every time I click it that comes up.
ross Team
ross Jan 21 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 21 '14
Gregory, have you updated core platform to 1.6 before updating "Newsfeed" plugin?

If you didn't then:

1. go to ow_plugins/newsfeed/init.php and comment out everything within init.php file. This will disable the plugin so that you can log in to your admin panel.

2. log in to your admin panel>>update your core to 1.6.

3. go to ow_plugins/newsfeed/init.php and remove your comments.

4. Finish updating "Newsfeed" plugin.