Try deactivating all your plugins and see if your site works ok now ,do not uninstall any plugins ,then reactivate one plugin at a time untill you get this 500 error message again ,and you well then find out if its a plugin that's causing you these problems
1.6 is ok its some of these plugins and themes that have not been updated messing peoples websites up,that is the big problem
my site is running perfect using 1.6
what you need to do if you try update again is deactivate all your plugins and change theme to this default one in your admin ,and your site should update ok.but allot of the plugins wont work or themes because not been updated .most plugins made by oxwall work fine with 1.6
To see the real error, go to your server via FTP and open the ow_includes/config.php file. Change value from false to true for the line:
define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
Save file and check the error once again - you would see the error that triggered the 500 error to be displayed..
To see the real error, go to your server via FTP and open the ow_includes/config.php file. Change value from false to true for the line:
define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
Save file and check the error once again - you would see the error that triggered the 500 error to be displayed..
and once you try to add a photo it well tell you what is cause you this problem
when you get the full message about error please copy it and post it here and we can try and sort this problem out for you