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Oxwall sub-directory is being appended a 2nd time to linked URL.....heeeellllp [Solved] | Forum

Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
I have oxwall in a sub-directory like this:


When I place a link just like that in a phplist newsletter, the sub-directory is appended again to the above correct URL so when the browser, Firefox and Opera, opens, it first shows the right URL as above, but then a second sub-directory gets added on like this:


This phplist newsletter comes correctly to my regular email, and the link is correct in the email newsletter when received, but when I click on that correct link, this issue occurs.

Any ideas of what's causing this is appreciated.  with that additional oxwall directory added on to the URL, I go to a "page not found" page......arrrggghhh.
The Forum post is edited by Alia Jan 23 '14
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Jan 23 '14
Sounds like something in .htacess might be doing it.


Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
Thanks Steve....I'll check it out.  When the browser first opens, the URL is correct with just one instance of the sub-directory, then, as if being re-directed, the additional oxwall directory gets added on to the end of the correct one in the URL window and it goes to that infernal "page not found".....

Thing is, it's been working just fine for a few weeks now.  All of the sudden, just a couple days ago, it started doing this.  Crazy.  I haven't made any config changes anywhere.

I'll see what .htaccess looks like and be back.

Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
All the .htaccess has in the main oxwall directory is:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

AddEncoding gzip .gz
AddEncoding gzip .gzip
<FilesMatch "\.(js.gz|js.gzip)$">
  ForceType text/javascript
<FilesMatch "\.(css.gz|css.gzip)$">
  ForceType text/css

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/index\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_cron/run\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.xml|\.feed|robots\.txt|\.raw|/[^.]*)$  [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) index.php
Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
Here's the correct link that should go to the site for visitors without joining:


As I say, that exact link first shows up, but then a second, "/unified_common_law_grand_jury" is appended to the URL like a re-direction....

Maybe you can click that link and see if it takes you to the right URL.  Maybe it's my computer even though I tried it in different browsers...
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Jan 23 '14
Clear the cache and clear the browser cache?  I'm in way over my head here but...
Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
Just clicked my link and it does the same thing for me....sheesh.  And everything was working so nicely, too.
Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
Already tried that but I'll try again....can you click the link and see if it works for you?

Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14

Quote from Steve Winter Clear the cache and clear the browser cache?  I'm in way over my head here but...
Now, I just cleared the firefox browser cache only....is there another cache I don't know about??
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Jan 23 '14
I just put http://westvirginialibertyalliance.org/...mmon_law_grand_jury/ in my browser and your page came up just fine.  Nice site BTW.  A noble venture. Very heavy stuff though. Have you tried a different browser?

I have fond memories of WVa though when I first got there I was in the hospital and couldn't even sit up or even feed myself. It was some time after being released before I could even walk or talk. 



Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
Funny you mention that, Steve.  I move here healthy in late 2004 and after a year, a dentist really maimed me, sever nerve damage, jaw locked shut, right hemisphere of tongue swelled up, could no long eat...AND, I had just been diagnosed with naso-pharangeal cancer!!..yikes.  At a time when eating nutritious food was of paramount importance, I began to starve to death.  Went from 175 down to 96 lbs.  And was declared "terminal", doctors recommended to my family and the nursing home staff not to bother feeding me through my tube since I would certainly be dead in TWO weeks after my admittance.  HA!

I kept telling them, through my garbled speech, that I was not going to be dying then...had serious work to do on behalf of the American People....what you saw is part of it.  When I was unconscious for those first two weeks in that infernal nursing home, let me tell ya....had a major meeting with a group of guys...one seemed to be you-know-who (Jesus), and I had to plead for more time.....the deal was, it wasn't going to be an easy time surviving.....and it hasn't been...that was in January 2008!  Still alive, but it is difficult...been on all-liquids ever since.  But it wasn't the cancer, which has been gone ever since...it was that damn, heavy-handed dentist that complicated things beyond belief.

Anyway, if you're interested in being a free American, you may want to check out that page again and go to the National Liberty Allicance website....all free education in Common Law....and the chance to sign up as a Common Law Grand Jurist.....because the current system is a'comin' down......extremely soon, too.  We are re-establishing the originial republics of self-governing People.  And we will succeed.

But good to know it came up fine for you.  I even tried it using remote desktop and went to my other laptop and did it there too.....hey, if it's just me, I can live with it.  But sure would like to know what is causing it.

If you get a chance, leave off the sub-directory and just go to:
westvirginialibertyalliance.org and check that "why" link.

That main page isn't fleshed out yet, my main focus has been on the Networking site..and Oxwall sure is great for that.  They will be contributing to restoring freedom and Common Law of the People back to America.

Thanks, Steve...you've been helpful.  Glad you are physicially better now

God bless you and yours,

Alia Team
Alia Jan 23 '14


This has previously been reported to happen because of "www" or absence of it in site URL.

In your config.php do you have your site URL with or without "www"?
If you have it without www there, then you should always use the link without www everywhere else, otherwise script will act like you described ( add directory name twice).

If you have your site with www in config.php then use links with www everywhere, otherwise you will end up with duplicated directory names as well.

Our developers are aware of this issue and will fix it in near future.

Let me know if this doesn't help.
Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
Which config.php are we talking about, the one in ow_core?...or ow_includes, or??

Thanks Allla.
Alia Team
Alia Jan 23 '14
Michael Anthony
Michael Anthony Jan 23 '14
Thank you Aliia!  That was it.  I didn't have the www in the config and was using it in the link.  I just went ahead and figured I would not try any shortcuts for now and just added the www to the config.php file and it worked.  Now, I just have to make sure to always use the www whenever I am referring to good ol' Oxwall.  I really am happy with the program.  It's going to be very helpful in restoring Peace and Justice not just to the currently occupied USA, but to the rest of the world.  It's all about Justice, Honor, and Mercy.  And getting rid of the criminal element...especially the international bankers.....thanks again!

Alia Team
Alia Jan 23 '14
You are welcome. Good luck with your site.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Jan 24 '14
Quote from Michael Anthony Funny you mention that, Steve.  I move here healthy in late 2004 and after a year, a dentist really

A few weeks ago a dentist here really saved my donkey by pulling out a bunch of teeth that were making me sick and could have charged me three times what he charged and still been an honest man.  That was a real blessing.

(Oh, do you know why they call it a "tooth brush?)

BTW I tried that link that I posted here for your site and got the error again.  Then when I added the trailing / it worked.

Maybe you might want to figure out the exact one that works and then make a tinyrurl of it and use that there.



The Forum post is edited by Steve Winter Jan 24 '14
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